Cycling Bargains - South Downs Bikes Specialized Torch 2.0 Road Bike Shoes in White | FREE delivery over £30 + Cycle Scheme (SDB-61018-3439)

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Was £175.00, NOW £140.00 (20% OFF)
Available from South Downs Bikes.
South Downs Bikes Specialized Torch 2.0 Road Bike Shoes in White | FREE delivery over £30 + Cycle Scheme
Product Description
The torch 2.0 road shoes are all about comfortwell comfort and performance that is. Due to the materials road shoes often feel stiff and uncomfortable. We decided to address this annoyance head on though. To do so Specialized implemented a 100% mesh and tpu construction on the torch 2.0 that allows for more wiggle room in the toe box and a less constrictive sock-like feel. The upper is then paired with our medium-stiffness FACT carbon sole and a rubber heel and toe that provide the perfect degree of off-the-bike traction. For the closure Specializedadded a single lightweight boa ip1 dial that features tool-free snap replacement capability while also providing simple on-the-fly micro-adjustments. | South Downs Bikes is a renowned bicycle retailer in the heart of the South Downs. We embody the community spirit of cycling by going the extra mile for our customers and providing a wide range of products and services, from the just getting going rider to the experienced downhill racer. We pride ourselves on customer service and all our enthusiastic staff undertake the highest levels of product training, ensuring you leave with a smile on your face, ready to ride your next bike. Whilst we strive for perfection, like all growing businesses, we may sometimes make mistakes - so if for any reason you’ve found a problem with any of our services or products, please drop us an email to and we’ll address it immediately.
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