Cycling Bargains - BikeInn Evoc Tour Saddle Bag 0.7l | Hot deals section, massive stocks, great prices & easy returns. (INN19889096)
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Was £25.42, NOW £15.99 (37% OFF)
Available from BikeInn.
BikeInn Evoc Tour Saddle Bag 0.7l | Hot deals section, massive stocks, great prices & easy returns.
Product Description
The EVOC Tour Saddle Bag 0.7L Steel is the ultimate solution for bikers looking to enhance their riding experience. Crafted from durable materials, the bag is built to withstand any weather condition or impact. With a 0.7L capacity, it offers ample space for storing essential items, such as a puncture repair kit, spare inner tube, and energy bars. The bag is also easy to mount and remove, thanks to its Velcro straps that attach securely to your bike's saddle rails. The compact design ensures that it doesn't get in the way while riding, while the steel construction guarantees long-lasting durability. Purchase the EVOC Tour Saddle Bag 0.7L Steel to experience a hassle-free and comfortable biking experience.
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