Cycling Bargains - BikeInn Zoot Ultra Cycle Team 7´´ Shorts Purple XS Woman (INN19817906)

BikeInn Zoot Ultra Cycle Team 7´´ Shorts Purple XS Woman

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Was £90.79, NOW £26.99 (70% OFF)

Available from BikeInn.

BikeInn Zoot Ultra Cycle Team 7´´ Shorts Purple XS Woman

Product Description

Purple H, Women's Clothing, Cycling Bibs.ZOOT Ultra Cycle Team 7´´ Shorts Purple H are the perfect bib shorts for female cyclists who value both style and performance. Made from high-quality fabrics, these shorts provide excellent comfort and durability for long rides. Their purple color and sleek design make them stand out from the crowd. These shorts feature an Ultra TT carbon chamois that provides superior cushioning and support to reduce discomfort and pressure points during lengthy rides. The mesh panels on the legs provide excellent breathability, and the compression technology helps stabilize key muscle groups.Being part of the ZOOT Ultra Cycle Team means these shorts are trusted and used by professional cyclists who demand the best in performance and style. This cycling bib shorts are designed to fit snugly and stay in place during even the most intense rides. They're also easy to adjust with a handy drawcord waist. In summary, ZOOT Ultra Cycle Team 7´´ Shorts Purple H are high-quality cycling bib shorts designed for women who love to ride. They offer excellent comfort and durability, thanks to premium materials and superior design. If you're looking for bib shorts with top-quality features, look no further than ZOOT Ultra Cycle Team 7´´ Shorts Purple H.

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