Cycling Bargains - BikeInn Santa Madre Carbofuel 45cho Single Dose 52g Orange Energetic Powder Box 30 Units (INN16006213)

BikeInn Santa Madre Carbofuel 45cho Single Dose 52g Orange Energetic Powder Box 30 Units

ONLY £86.49

Available from BikeInn.

BikeInn Santa Madre Carbofuel 45cho Single Dose 52g Orange Energetic Powder Box 30 Units

Product Description

SANTA MADRE CARBOFUEL 45CHO (RATIO 1:0.5) is an energy drink rich in carbohydrates and mineral salts to be taken during exercise.SANTA MADRE CARBOFUEL provides 45g of carbohydrates per serving and 400mg of sodium, so it not only has a high carbohydrate content but also a very high concentration of mineral salts.It has been designed for endurance sports, ideal for working on high carbohydrate nutritional strategies.With its 1:0.5 ratio, it allows us to work with total guarantees up to 90g of CH per hour, avoiding the drop in performance due to glycogen depletion and improving recovery once the effort is over.SANTA MADRE CARBOFUEL is a drink free of gluten, lactose and suitable for vegans.Its flavors are pleasant and mild in order not to cause digestive problems.Instructions for use:.Dilute 52g in 500ml and take during physical activity.INGREDIENTS:maltodextrin, dextrose, fructose, sodium citrate, acidulant:citric acid, magnesium salt of citric acid, flavorings, potassium citrate.NUTRITIONAL CONTENT.PER SERVING (52 G).-Energy value.789 kJ, 189 kcal.-Fats - of which saturated fats.0 g / 0 g.0 g / 0 g.-Carbohydrates - of which sugars.45 g / 31 g.-Proteins.0 g / 0 g.-Sodium.400 mg.Potassium.156 mg.-Magnesium.107 mg -Magnesium.TECHNICAL DATA.-Physical Activity:.1 Before Exercise.2 During Exercise.3 After Exercise.-Weight:52 g.-Caffeine:Caffeine Free.-Flavor:Orange.-Calories:189 kcal / serving.-Gluten:Gluten Free.-Lactose:Lactose Free.-Palm Oil:Palm Oil Free.-Vegan:100%.

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