Cycling Bargains - BikeInn Agu High Summer Iv Short Sleeve Jersey (INN15033238)

BikeInn Agu High Summer Iv Short Sleeve Jersey

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Was £100.33, NOW £64.99 (35% OFF)

Available from BikeInn.

BikeInn Agu High Summer Iv Short Sleeve Jersey

Product Description

Enjoy Your Ride, The Nature Around You And A Beautiful Summer Day. Thanks To Advanced Technologies, This Jersey Helps You To Stay Cool On Hot Days.Features:- The Smart Temp Coating Is Used In This Shirt. Smart Temp, Activated By Body Heat, Reduces The Temperature By Up To 2.5 Degrees Compared To Traditional Materials.- It Also Works The Other Way Around: When The Body Has Cooled Down Enough, The Cooling Effect Stops And Smart Temp Ensures That - The Body Maintains An Optimal Temperature.- The Uv Protection Ensures That The Skin Burns Less Quickly While Cycling. Tip: Still Use Sunscreen Protection Under This Shirt.- The Slightly Thicker Giro Mesh Has Been Used At The Front And The Thinner Time-Out Mesh At The Back.- Thanks To These Thin Materials, This Is A Lightweight Shirt That You Hardly Feel While Cycling.- Time-Out Mesh Back Insert- Laser-Finshed Lightweight Lycra Sleeve- Slim Fit- Deep Dive Collar- Silicone Gripper- 3 Pockets + 1 Zipped Audio PocketSpecifications:- Materiaal: Giro Mesh With Heiq Smart Temp

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