Cycling Bargains - BikeInn Sidi Wire 2 Carbon Shoes | Hot deals section, massive stocks, great prices & easy returns. (INN14909857)

BikeInn Sidi Wire 2 Carbon Shoes | Hot deals section, massive stocks, great prices & easy returns.

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Was £328.77, NOW £250.99 (24% OFF)

Available from BikeInn.

BikeInn Sidi Wire 2 Carbon Shoes | Hot deals section, massive stocks, great prices & easy returns.

Product Description

In 2019 again a concentrate of lightness and technology for a shoe 100% customizable thanks to many systems of adjustments and ventilation.Technologies :Techpro microfiberCarbon solesoft instep closure system 4single tecno-3 push systemadjustable heel retention devicesidi heel cupreplaceable heel padSOFT INSTEPThe SOFT INSTEP CLOSING SYSTEM is a wide, anatomically curved strap combined with a soft, thermoformed EVA pad that distributes pressure evenly over the instep area. The SOFT INSTEP CLOSING SYSTEM is adjustable on both sides to perfectly center the EVA pad on a high or low instep. The system eliminates the need for a High Instep Extender. The SOFT INSTEP CLOSING SYSTEM is replaceable. HEEL SIDIThe reinforced heel keeps the foot in an optimal position and prevents the shoe from being deformed by extreme performance or prolonged pressure. ADJUSTABLE HEELThe ADJUSTABLE HEEL RETENTION DEVICE reinforces the top of the heel cup and improves the fit by closing the back of the shoe tightly around the rider´s heel. This feature tightens the top of the shell so that the heel does not slip off during sprints or steep climbs. Each side of the heel can be adjusted independently for a perfect fit. For custom adjustment, turn the screw toward the + sign to tighten the heel retainer and toward the - sign to open it. Lightweight, easy to use and replaceable.MORE INFORMATIONFeaturesGender Type of tightening Cable

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