Cycling Bargains - BikeInn Topeak E-xplorer Trunkbox Rear Basket | Hot deals section, massive stocks, great prices & easy returns. (INN14752806)

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Was £116.66, NOW £63.99 (45% OFF)
Available from BikeInn.
BikeInn Topeak E-xplorer Trunkbox Rear Basket | Hot deals section, massive stocks, great prices & easy returns.
Product Description
TheE-Xplorer TrunkBox is an electric bike specific spare battery holder made of polypropylene with excellent shock absorption, water resistance, high strength and thermal insulation. The grip straps keep your spare battery in place. Compatible with the MTX QuickTrack 2.0 system from Topeak, there´s even enough room to carry extra food, drinks and gear for your adventures.Details:Material: PPE / ploymer quality engineerVolume: 8.5 LDimensions: 48.4 x 23.9 x 21.1 cmWeight: 939 gAttachment: MTX QuickTrack 2.0 system with 3 additional hook and loop fasteners Compatible with TetraRack M2LBattery compatibility :Bosch PowerPack 300/400/500 WH (2.9-3.5kg)Shimano Steps E8000 418/540/630 WH (2.9-3.5kg)Yamaha 400/500 WH (2.9kg)Brose 630 WH (3.5kg)Luggage options : Battery compartment
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