Cycling Bargains - BikeInn Saltstick Lemon & Lime Fastchews 60 Units (INN141199341)

BikeInn Saltstick Lemon & Lime Fastchews 60 Units

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Was £75.12, NOW £16.99 (77% OFF)

Available from BikeInn.

BikeInn Saltstick Lemon & Lime Fastchews 60 Units

Product Description

´´The Saltstick Fastchews tablet minimizes muscle cramps, heat, stress and fatigue due to the composition of electrolytes in a chewable form so that the body can quickly absolve it.Features:.- Format 12 reds of 10 units.- Ingredients:sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.- Mode of use:Take 2 tablets before training for 30 minutes of physical activity´´

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