Cycling Bargains - BikeInn Scicon Elan 210 Small Cycling Tool Saddle Bag | Hot deals section, massive stocks, great prices & easy returns. (INN11913174)

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Was £24.86, NOW £19.99 (20% OFF)
Available from BikeInn.
BikeInn Scicon Elan 210 Small Cycling Tool Saddle Bag | Hot deals section, massive stocks, great prices & easy returns.
Product Description
The Scicon Sports Elan 210 cycling saddle bag in black carbon optic is the smallest in the range and a beautiful example of stripping away the unnecessary, until all that is left is pure functionality. A great example of form following function. If you prefer to have a saddle bag that does not interfere with the pro look of your bike the Elan 210 is your choice. Extremely minimal, the Scicon Sports Elan 210 under seat pack became an all-time favorite for its simplicity and design among cyclists everywhere in the world. With a black carbon optic we have added a little style. The tiniest, slimmest and classiest saddlebag ever. Hiding neatly under your saddle, and secured with a hook and loop strap mount to your saddle rails. Just the right size to fit everything you really need. Designed to fit one inner tube, a CO2 canister, 2 tyre levers, a patch kit and maybe your front door key. A highly reliable, simple saddle bag that´ll suit most needs and is the riding essential for every cyclist.
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