Cycling Bargains - BikeInn Barbieri Anaconda Fit Foam Inside Inner Tube | Hot deals section, massive stocks, great prices & easy returns. (INN10891426)
![BikeInn Barbieri Anaconda Fit Foam Inside Inner Tube | Hot deals section, massive stocks, great prices & easy returns.](!!TIME_STAMP!!&amc=con.blbn.490124.479045.165043&pid=137598929&rmd=3&
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Was £59.99, NOW £38.99 (35% OFF)
Available from BikeInn.
BikeInn Barbieri Anaconda Fit Foam Inside Inner Tube | Hot deals section, massive stocks, great prices & easy returns.
Product Description
Anaconda Fit (Foam Inside Tubelesse) .Suitable For 40-50 Mm 19-30 Mm Wide Tires And Inner Rims.It Is An Air Chamber Inside With Mousse.Finally The Mousse Within Everyone´S Reach! .1) Universal:Suitable For All Types Of Rims And Tires.2) Practical:As Easy To Assemble As A Conventional Inner Tubelesse.3) Fast:Assemblés In A Few Minutes.4) Clean:It Is Not Necessary To Use Adhesive Tapes Or Sealants.5) Slidable:The Cover Rolls With Air Inside.6) Comfortable:The Interior Mousse Cushions The Blows.7) Defense:Protection Against Breakage Pull And Pull.8) Safe:Guaranteed Operation In Run Mode Fat (Without Air), As Shown In The Video Test.9) Efficient:Allows A Better Grip And Lower Pressures.10) Durable:Easy To Repair With Regular Inner Tubelesse Patches.11) Protector:Prevents Falls Caused By Punctures.
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