Cycling Bargains - Condor Books The Feed Zone Table Cookbook by Allen Lim (Condor-9781937715403)

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Condor Books The Feed Zone Table Cookbook by Allen Lim
Product Description
Enjoying a homemade meal with friends and family is a great way to nourish the body for life and sport. Dr. Lim and Chef Biju know that eating together promotes greater happiness and performance for professional athletes. Feed Zone Table will do the same for you.While athletes calibrate training and diet for better performance, it's a pursuit that often isolates them from friends and family, especially when it comes to the most social meal of the day_ dinner. And athletes aren't the only ones eating dinner alone_ research shows that most people are not in the habit of consistently eating with others. Drawing from his work with professional cyclists, along with extensive research from a full line-up of scientists, sociologists, and psychologists, Dr. Lim makes the case that we are who we eat with. The simple act of eating together nourishes emotional health and in turn has a tremendous impact on how the body absorbs nutrients. In fact, for athletes this social fuel is as important as ch...
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