Cycling Bargains - Condor Vittoria Corsa N.EXT G2.0 TLR Tubeless Tyres (Condor-8022530026925)

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Was £69.99, NOW £34.99 (50% OFF)
Available from Condor.
Condor Vittoria Corsa N.EXT G2.0 TLR Tubeless Tyres
Product Description
The Vittoria Corsa N.EXT is the Italian brand’s first tyre with a casing made from nylon threads to receive the hallowed Corsa name.
Slotting in between the existing Corsa TLR G2.0 and Rubino Pro TLR, the Corsa N.EXT (£64.99) is a direct challenge to the dominance of brands such as Continental and Schwalbe, both of whom specialise in vulcanised nylon tyres.
The Vittoria Corsa N.EXT G2 TLR road bike tyre is an allround tubeless tyre that scores high on rolling resistance, grip, puncture-resistance, durability and weight. This tubeless tyre is a lot more durable compared to the Vittoria Corsa G2 TLR Graphene 2.0 tyres, because it has a nylon carcass. Partly thanks to the experiences of professional cyclists, this Vittoria Corsa N.EXT G2 TLR tyre has an even higher performance level. The nylon carcass also offers durability for cyclists who are looking for the best everyday performance and who can rely on a durable tyre.
Tubeless ready
The Vittoria Corsa N.EXT G2 TLR tyres are tubeless an...
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