Cycling Bargains - Condor Vittoria Tyre Sealant (Condor-8022530024617)

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Available from Condor.
Condor Vittoria Tyre Sealant
Product Description
New solvent free tyre sealant formula by Vittoria. It has been specifically developed for TNT tyres and it can be used with standard UST as a means of flat prevention without any problem. The secret to Vittorias Universal Tubeless Tyre Sealant is in the liquid base, which is thin enough to find and seal even the smallest punctures quickly and effectively.
Suspended within that base are platelets, which clog together to seal larger punctures, providing the user with protection on any size puncture, and on any type of bike. In fact, during testing, Vittorias new sealant sealed punctures up to 7 mm instantly, and provided excellent air retention up to 1200km.The formula is ammonia free, which prevents the sealant from damaging the tyre, and makes it suitable for use in combination with tyre inserts such as Air-Liner and our cotton compound tyres.
Vittoria's Universal Tubeless Tyre Sealant comes in 80ml, 150ml, 500ml and 1000ml formats to meet single-use applications as well as workshops...
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