Cycling Bargains - BrickCaps (Brick Caps) Custom Dust Cap(s) | Valve caps, dust covers made from genuine LEGO®, For Cycles, Bikes or Cars etc. FREE UK delivery over £19 (BrickCaps-var-50088660107586)

BrickCaps (Brick Caps) Custom Dust Cap(s) | Valve caps, dust covers made from genuine LEGO®, For Cycles, Bikes or Cars etc. FREE UK delivery over £19
Product Description
BrickCaps (Brick Caps) Custom Dust Cap(s) | Valve caps, dust covers made from genuine LEGO®, For Cycles, Bikes or Cars etc. FREE UK delivery over £19 | BRICK CAPS Custom tyre valve dust caps, made from LEGO® heads. Thousands of possible combinations! - Design your own also available. -- DISCLAIMER: LEGO®, the brick configuration, and the minifigure are trademarks of the LEGO Group, which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this website/product. This is not a LEGO® service. The products comprise of LEGO® elements that have been repackaged and altered from their original form. LEGO is a trademark of The LEGO Group, which does not sponsor or endorse this site. The LEGO Group is not liable for any loss, injury or damage arising from the use or misuse of this service.
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