Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Ebeez Aquarius 7-in-1 Smart Watch - 4 Colours! (39931014108)

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Was £79.99, NOW £19.99 (75% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie Ebeez Aquarius 7-in-1 Smart Watch - 4 Colours!
Product Description
Take control of your health and fitness regime with the Aquarius 7-in-1 Smart Watch Connects to smartphone GPS to track real-time pace and distance during workouts Uses smartphone address book to display contact names for incoming calls Heart-rate tracker for better health and fitness understanding Sleep monitor to help guide healthy lifestyle changes Notification alerts to keep you in the loop Clock and alarm function Pedometer Fully charges in just 1-2 hours with 10-day standby battery life. Adjustable screen brightness Water-resistant Choose from black, gold, rose gold or silver See Full Details for product specification Make your exercise routines top-notch with the Aquarius 7-in-1 Smart Watch - just 19.99 pounds
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