Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Benzbag Waterproof & Windproof Touch Screen Gloves - 6 Colours & 4 Sizes (39929177936)

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Was £39.99, NOW £5.29 (87% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie Benzbag Waterproof & Windproof Touch Screen Gloves - 6 Colours & 4 Sizes
Product Description
Keep cosy in these Waterproof and Windproof Touch Screen Gloves Choose from 6 colours: black, blue, pink, orange, navy or purple Available in sizes small to XL - see images for measurements These thick fleece-lined gloves are sure to keep your hands warm when winter hits Thumb, index and middle finger can be used to operate touch screens on devices Zip fastening on the sides makes these gloves easy to slip and stay secure Rubber dots on the palms give you lots of grip on bike handles - even when it rains. Made from polyester Slip on these Waterproof and Windproof Touch Screen Gloves - only 5.29 pounds
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