Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Cool For Deal V7 Automatic Speed Camera Detector - 3 Colours & 1 or 2 Pack (39772891630)

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Was £49.99, NOW £7.99 (84% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie Cool For Deal V7 Automatic Speed Camera Detector - 3 Colours & 1 or 2 Pack
Product Description
Locate all the cameras with the V7 Automatic Speed Camera Detector Available colours: black, red and blue Warns you when approaching a laser or radar speed camera Detectable distance of up to 2500m with GPS technology Car charger power cable to keep it powered up on your drives Help you drive more safely and avoid cameras No special installation needed just a easy-mounted interlock Available as a 1 or 2-pack of speed camera detectors Buying Options: 7.99 pounds instead of 49.99 pounds for x1 V7 Automatic Speed Camera Detector - save 84% 12.99 pounds instead of 69.99 pounds for x2 V7 Automatic Speed Camera Detectors - save 81%
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