Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Home Season Goodyear Full HD Dash Cam (39154741424)

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Was £49.99, NOW £19.99 (60% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie Home Season Goodyear Full HD Dash Cam
Product Description
Cruise with confidence with this Goodyear Full HD Dash Cam Boasts a HD camera that captures clear and detailed footage And has capabilities for multiple resolutions from 640 x 480 to 1920 x 1080p. Never miss a moment with the 120° high-resolution wide-angle lens that offers broad coverage Features M-JPEG video format for smooth recording Seamless loop-cycle recording automatically overwrites old footage While also including a built-in G-sensor for impact detection and automatic file locking So, you'll always store those important moments. Supports up to 32GB TF memory card for ample storage Microphone and speaker functions for audio during recordings Save 60% on the Goodyear Full HD Dash Cam.. Now only 19.99 pounds instead of 49.99 pounds.
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