Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Gomoro Mini 1080P HD Camera (39141119100)

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Was £29.99, NOW £9.99 (67% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie Gomoro Mini 1080P HD Camera
Product Description
Always monitor your home with this Mini 1080P HD Camera Full HD 1080P/15FPS for better and clearer picture quality Comes with a bracket which helps you rotate the camera 360 degrees Ideal for home security - always know what's going on in your home when you're out. Can also be used as a nanny cam, housekeeper cam or to keep a watchful eye on pets. Features many functions such as vehicle mode, cycle mode and dual mode video The camera also features an infrared night vision mode Supports class 10 microSD cards with at least 8 GB and max 32GB capacity Enables loop recording Be all eyes with this Mini 1080P HD Camera - save 67%
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