Cycling Bargains - Velo Store - UK Sheath cable clips XLC BR-X121 5 mm x 5 mm (x30) | Extra 10% off with Subscription, Postage £16.79 to UK Fedex. (38951464361)

Velo Store - UK Sheath cable clips XLC BR-X121 5 mm x 5 mm (x30) | Extra 10% off with Subscription, Postage £16.79 to UK Fedex.

Cheapest | Lowest | Sale | Deal Price
Was £37.58, NOW £7.85 (79% OFF)

Available from Velo Store - UK.

Velo Store - UK Sheath cable clips XLC BR-X121 5 mm x 5 mm (x30) | Extra 10% off with Subscription, Postage £16.79 to UK Fedex.

Product Description

The set of 30 cable clips XLC BR-X121 5 mm x 5 mm is an essential accessory for all cyclists, amateur or professional. Manufactured by the renowned XLC brand, these clips are made from top-quality materials to guarantee maximum durability and resistance. These cable clips are ideal for holding your bike's sheaths in place, ensuring adequate protection for cables and preventing damage caused by rubbing or vibration when riding. They are specially designed to fit 5 mm sheaths x 5 mm, offering perfect compatibility with a wide variety of bikes. By using these cable clips, you can organize and secure your cables efficiently, which also makes handling your bike easier. Whether you're an occasional cyclist or a professional, these clips will help you keep your bike in perfect condition, offering a safer and more enjoyable riding experience. The set of 30 cable tie clips XLC BR-X121 5 mm x 5 mm is an ideal choice for anyone looking for a reliable and effective solution for securing their bike...

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