Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Home Vibe Wireless LCD Automatic Car Tyre Inflator (38690853502)

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Was £49.99, NOW £17.99 (64% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie Home Vibe Wireless LCD Automatic Car Tyre Inflator
Product Description
Ensure your tires are always at the right pressure with the Wireless LCD Automatic Car Tyre Inflator Battery-Powered: Rechargeable design eliminates the need for a wired connection, offering freedom and portability for use anywhere Automatic Inflation: Set the desired pressure and the pump automatically shuts off when the correct pressure is reached, avoiding over-inflation Digital LCD Display: Large, easy-to-read display shows real-time pressure readings for accurate inflation Portable and Handheld: Compact and lightweight, making it easy to carry and store in your car or home for quick access Versatile Usage: Includes adapters for inflating car tires, bike tires, sports equipment, and other inflatables Efficient and Fast: Provides quick inflation, saving you time and ensuring you can get back on the road promptly Durable and Reliable: Constructed with good quality materials for long-lasting performance and durability Save yourself a huge 64% on the Wireless LCD Automatic Car Tyre Inflator for 17.99 pounds
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