Cycling Bargains - Velo Store - UK Inner tube Schwalbe Sv 21AP Air Plus 27,5/27,5+ | Extra 10% off with Subscription, Postage £16.79 to UK Fedex (38277672152)
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Was £10.77, NOW £8.34 (23% OFF)
Available from Velo Store - UK.
Velo Store - UK Inner tube Schwalbe Sv 21AP Air Plus 27,5/27,5+ | Extra 10% off with Subscription, Postage £16.79 to UK Fedex
Product Description
Air chamber Schwalbe Sv 21ap air Plus 27,5/27,5+"Extremely stable under air pressure!The rubber mixture allows less air loss and less pumping.Extremely reliable! Quality control for safe driving pleasure.Every Schwalbe tyre is checked twice in the factory for air content.Fully recyclable.Better air retention.Thanks to its high content of pure butyl rubber, the Schwalbe Air Plus retains air much longer.This means less pumping.More protection against punctures.Thanks to the approximately 70% increase in wall thickness, the Schwalbe Air Plus is particularly robust and therefore well protected against punctures.If the Schwalbe Air Plus has to be replaced, like all other Schwalbe tires, it is 100% recyclable.Size: 27.5 x 2.10 - 2.80".
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