Cycling Bargains - Velo Store - UK Power meter pedals Favero Assioma UNO | Extra 10% off with Subscription, Postage £16.79 to UK Fedex (38218740873)

Velo Store - UK Power meter pedals Favero Assioma UNO | Extra 10% off with Subscription, Postage £16.79 to UK Fedex

Cheapest | Lowest | Sale | Deal Price
Was £365.72, NOW £359.05 (2% OFF)

Available from Velo Store - UK.

Velo Store - UK Power meter pedals Favero Assioma UNO | Extra 10% off with Subscription, Postage £16.79 to UK Fedex

Product Description

Features:- Easy to installAssioma can be easily assembled, disassembled and transferred from one bike to another in minutes: without special tools and without the help of a mechanic. Just like common pedals.- IAV Cycling DynamicsAssioma features the advanced IAV Cycling Dynamics metrics: IAV Power Phase and IAV Rider Position. These metrics, combined with traditional power data, allow for detailed analysis of pedaling technique and how the rider's position on the bike affects performance. - IAV Power and gyroscopeUnlikeautres, Assioma's measurements are not affected by errors related to very irregular pedaling (e.g. sprinting uphill) or the use of oval chainrings. That's because Assioma is able to detect the actual instantaneous angular velocity of the pedal stroke, giving you the accuracy of ±1% in any situation. Not just in a lab. - Bluetooth SMART and ANT+Assioma connects via Bluetooth and ANT + with bike computers and also Android and iOS smartphones.- Accuracy and stabilityAs...

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