Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Home Season Dunlop Bicycle Handlebar Wire Basket (38015230051)

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Was £29.99, NOW £12.99 (57% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie Home Season Dunlop Bicycle Handlebar Wire Basket
Product Description
Kit out your bike for the weekly grocery shop with this Dunlop Bicycle Handlebar Wire Basket This basket has a capacity of 20 litres, leaving plenty of space for everything you need Simply hook the basket over your handlebars and you are good to go Once at the store, you can remove the basket and use it as your shopping basket It is easy to carry around the store or from your bike to inside your home thanks to the handle Made from a strong and durable metal alloy Dimensions: 26.5cm (H) x 36cm (L) x 26.5cm (W) Save 57% on this Dunlop Bicycle Handlebar Wire Basket
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