Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie COSTWAY Folding Resistance Training Bike Stand - Standard or Adjustable (37678666196)

Go Groopie COSTWAY Folding Resistance Training Bike Stand - Standard or Adjustable

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Was £594.99, NOW £69.99 (88% OFF)

Available from Go Groopie.

Go Groopie COSTWAY Folding Resistance Training Bike Stand - Standard or Adjustable

Product Description

Take your bike for a spin on this Folding Resistance Training Bike Stand Choose from standard or adjustable resistance models Transform your bicycle into an indoor bike with this resistance training stand Adjustable stand has 8x resistance levels to suit your training needs Pyramid structure and front wheel block keeps you steady when pedalling Stand folds flat so you can easily store it away when you're done with it Protective feet on the base stop it from slipping and prevent damage to the floor Made from high-quality steel for a sturdy finish See Full Details for specifications   Buying Options: 69.99 pounds instead of 594.99 pounds for the Standard Resistance Bike Stand - save 88% 87.99 pounds instead of 784.99 pounds for the Adjustable 8-Level Resistance Bike Stand - save 89%

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