Cycling Bargains - Tredz Limited Madison Freewheel Tights With Pad (36997972991)

Tredz Limited Madison Freewheel Tights With Pad

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Was £44.99, NOW £15.99 (64% OFF)

Available from Tredz Limited.

Tredz Limited Madison Freewheel Tights With Pad

Product Description

When staying warm and high visibility are your priorities on the bike, Freewheel tights are perfect for the job Made from brushed Roubaix Lycra, these tights provide plenty of warmth and comfort The female version of this tight has the addition of a special wider waistband to increase tummy comfort Reflective tabs on the legs ensure that your visibility is maximised in dark conditions Madison's 2D Coolmax chamois pad offers maximum comfort so you can happily increase your saddle time Elastic hem grippers provide a snug fit over the ankles and panel shaping keeps the fabric stretched evenly around the knee Main fabric 85% Polyamide / 15% Elastane Limited Lifetime Warranty

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