Cycling Bargains - myvitamins UK Myvitamins Vitamin C Capsules - 180Capsules (36992015089)

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Was £12.99, NOW £6.49 (50% OFF)
Available from myvitamins UK.
myvitamins UK Myvitamins Vitamin C Capsules - 180Capsules
Product Description
Vitamin C is one of the essential vitamins that you need to stay feeling your best. Your body doesn't store vitamin C, so when you're not getting enough from your diet, you can supplement it with our Vitamin C Capsules. Vitamin C plays a huge role in keeping your body healthy in everything from your immune system (1) to the collagen in your skin (3). Our Vitamin C Capsules contain 1000mg of vitamin C per serving to help you look after your health and wellbeing. While vitamin C is a powerful essential nutrient on its own, it also boosts the absorption of iron (5). So if you're taking our Iron Tablets as part of your wellness routine, vitamin C makes sure you're getting the most out of them.
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