Cycling Bargains - Cyclestore Madison Protec 2l Waterproof Youth Jacket Black (36985377748)

Cyclestore Madison Protec 2l Waterproof Youth Jacket Black

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Was £44.99, NOW £13.50 (70% OFF)

Available from Cyclestore.

Cyclestore Madison Protec 2l Waterproof Youth Jacket Black

Product Description

Perfect for the junior cyclist the Protec youth jacket keeps the elements at bay. The relaxed cycle oriented fit works perfectly over the top of school uniform or casual clothes without compromising function. The highly durable polyester fabric is waterproof windproof and breathable with a mesh lining for added comfort Reflective trim on the front and rear of the jacket offers increased visibility for extra safety Rear venting aids cooling and a large zippered rear pocket provides ample storage Hand pockets and a single chest pocket give plenty of storage Limited lifetime warranty

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