Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Whooptrading Warming Sports Hood Face Mask - 2 Colours & 2 Lengths (36924261528)

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Was £20.99, NOW £5.99 (71% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie Whooptrading Warming Sports Hood Face Mask - 2 Colours & 2 Lengths
Product Description
Upgrade your cold weather training with the Warming Sports Hood Face Mask This helps provide you with extra protection from wind and the cold A perfect accessory for the colder months during snow, sleet or rain Includes holes on either side to make it easier when wearing glasses Available in 2 different colours to choose from: Black or Grey Choose whether you want your mask to include your neck or not? With neck gives you even more warmth and helps heat stay in Made from 65% cotton and 35% polyester - soft on your skin. Great for sports like skiing, cycling, snowboarding and much more Save yourself a huge 71% on the Warming Sports Hood Face Mask for 5.99 pounds
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