Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie UK Dreamstore UV Protection Wide Brim Foldable Sun Hat - 6 Colours (35778512944)

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Was £29.99, NOW £5.99 (80% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie UK Dreamstore UV Protection Wide Brim Foldable Sun Hat - 6 Colours
Product Description
Keep the sun out of your face with the UV Protection Wide Brim Foldable Sun Hat Available in colours; purple, orange, blue, black, pink and khaki These sun visors sit around your head to protect your face from the sun The brim of the hat sits 12cm over your face, creating shade over you You can fold these hats down so they take up less space in your bag All the hats are adjustable and can fit around heads 56-60cm Perfect for use when fishing, hiking, cycling and any other outdoor activity Made from a strong and durable polyester material Protect yourself and save 80% with the UV Protection Wide Brim Foldable Sun Hat
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