Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Ugoagogo 29-in-1 HR15-S Fitness Tracker With Heart Rate Monitor - 6 Colours (35625898286)

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Was £139.99, NOW £7.99 (94% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie Ugoagogo 29-in-1 HR15-S Fitness Tracker With Heart Rate Monitor - 6 Colours
Product Description
Get fit with a 29-in-1 HR15-S Fitness Tracker With Heart Rate Monitor Available in orange, purple, black, blue, green, pink Make fitness high tech with this personal tracker Connect to your favourite fitness apps Includes GPS tracking, BMI calculator, step tracking, calories, distance Check your weekly and monthly stats and share data Connect to your phone for notifications of calls, SMS and apps Sedentary and hydration reminders keep you healthy Compatible with iOS7.1+ and Android 4.4+ Wear a 29-in-1 HR15-S Fitness Tracker With Heart Rate Monitor for 7.99 pounds - save 94%
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