Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Supertrendinuk Wireless Bluetooth Compatible Sports Headband (35207921237)

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Was £39.99, NOW £9.99 (75% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie Supertrendinuk Wireless Bluetooth Compatible Sports Headband
Product Description
Enjoy your music with the Wireless Bluetooth Compatible Sports Headband This headband is perfect for listening to music while you run or cycle The band can help pull hair out of your face while you run, and absorb sweat As well as listening to music you can also receive and answer calls The speakers are small enough that you can sleep with them too You can remove the speakers to clean the headband when needed The band is hypoallergenic, ensuring that you can enjoy wearing it You can charge the headband with the USB cable included With just 2 hours of charging you can have up to 10 hours of music The headband can be connected to Bluetooth-enabled devices Once connected to a device the headband will remember and connect automatically Available in a choice of black, grey, red and blue Made from a strong and durable polyester material Listen to tunes and save 75% with the Wireless Bluetooth Compatible Sports Headband
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