Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Supertrendinuk Weather Resistant Outdoor Bike Cover - 4 Sizes & 2 Colours (34030973915)

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Was £39.99, NOW £14.99 (63% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie Supertrendinuk Weather Resistant Outdoor Bike Cover - 4 Sizes & 2 Colours
Product Description
Keep your bike safe from damage with this Weather Resistant Outdoor Bike Cover Protect your bike from the rain, wind, snow and other elements with this handy bike cover The cover is made from durable and long-lasting materials It is also waterproof with a UV coating, making it even longer wearing. The hems are elasticated and have buckled straps to keep the cover extra secure There are even 2 holes in the front wheel area to slot a bike lock through for extra security Choose from either a silver or black bike cover Available in 4 sizes - Small, Medium, Large, and X-Large Dimensions: Small 170x60x85cm, Medium 180x60x90cm, Large 190x65x98cm, XLarge 200x70x110cm Save 63% on this Outdoor Bike Cover
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