Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie MYSTIQUE Limited 25ft Solar Bulb Waterproof String Lights (33652176255)

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Was £81.99, NOW £29.99 (63% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie MYSTIQUE Limited 25ft Solar Bulb Waterproof String Lights
Product Description
Decorate your yard with these 25ft Solar Bulb Waterproof String Lights These solar string lights have a 20,000-hour life cycle and are IP64 waterproof Automatically turn on/off at dusk and dawn or after 8 hours via the light sensor These lights charge up throughout the day to give you up to 8 hours of light at night. Switch between 4 lighting modes - quick flash, steady light, slow flash and pulsating light You can also charge these lights via a USB cable, they'll be fully charged in 4 hours You'll be able to light up spaces both large and small thanks to the 25ft long cable. Ideal for garden parties, weddings, decoration etc... Package includes: 1 x 25ft strong LED lights, 1 x solar panel, 2 x spared LED bulbs, 3 x screws and screw drills Save 63% with this 25ft Solar Bulb Waterproof String Lights
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