Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Prime Supply Rechargeable Wireless Sports Headphones - 4 Colours (33408286935)

Go Groopie Prime Supply Rechargeable Wireless Sports Headphones - 4 Colours

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Was £89.99, NOW £19.99 (78% OFF)

Available from Go Groopie.

Go Groopie Prime Supply Rechargeable Wireless Sports Headphones - 4 Colours

Product Description

Make sports more fun with these Rechargeable Wireless Sports Headphones The wireless sports headphones have a lightweight and ergonomic design With greater flexibility, portability and durability you can use them anywhere The magnet can attach the ends together, creating a fashionable sports look Colours available are; black, black and red, blue and pink Enjoy your top digital quality while working out You can even make phone calls with these headphones The headphones are compatible with Bluetooth-enabled devices You will be able to see the hours remaining on the headphones on your device For further specifications see Full Details Save a huge 78% off on these Rechargeable Wireless Sports Headphones

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