Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Prime Supply Smart Head Massager (33253754803)

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Was £49.99, NOW £12.99 (74% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie Prime Supply Smart Head Massager
Product Description
Sit back and relax with this Smart Head Massager The body of the massager is ergonomically shaped to fit the curve of your forehead Choose from 3 massage modes - sleep, migraine, and acupressure The sleep mode is gentle and emits low-frequency pulses to help get rid of tension Migraine mode has stronger pulses to reduce higher tension Acupressure mode has the strongest pulses and targets specific pressure points on your forehead This electronic massager will massage your forehead up to 20 times on a single charge. Each massage cycle lasts for 15 minutes and can be fully charged in as little as 1 hour Each set comes with a headband and a USB cable for charging For further specifications see Full Details Save 74% on this Smart Head Massager
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