Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie J Star UK Portable Neck Hanging Fans - 3 Colours (33061796555)

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Was £36.99, NOW £14.99 (59% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie J Star UK Portable Neck Hanging Fans - 3 Colours
Product Description
Keep cool while working out with the Portable Neck Hanging Fans This fan is great for carrying while on a run or doing any kind of sport Uses a USB interface to charge up and when it is low on power a red light will flash The fan head can be rotated and adjusted 360 degrees Charging for 4 hours will bring it to full charge A 1200 mAH litihium battery will keep it running You can get your fan in either white, black or pink Tap the cycle button to change the speed of the fan Save a huge 59% off on this Portable Neck Hanging Fans
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