Cycling Bargains - Cyclestore Shimano Compact Windproof Windbreaker Neon Yellow Small Only (32591601531)

Cyclestore Shimano Compact Windproof Windbreaker Neon Yellow Small Only

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Was £89.99, NOW £19.99 (78% OFF)

Available from Cyclestore.

Cyclestore Shimano Compact Windproof Windbreaker Neon Yellow Small Only

Product Description

The ideal emergency jacket to pack in a jersey pocket for sudden changes in weather. Features Durable water-repellent finish (Grade 3 after 10 washes). Packs into jersey pocket. 360-degree high-visibility reflectivity. Windproof and water-repellent fabric. Wind-noise suppressing fabric and construction. Material Main: 100% Polyamide Part: 100% Polyester

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