Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Whooptrading Dual USB Car Charger with LCD Display - 5 Colours (32495814447)

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Was £19.99, NOW £5.99 (70% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie Whooptrading Dual USB Car Charger with LCD Display - 5 Colours
Product Description
Enjoy high-speed charging on four wheels with this Dual USB Car Charger with LCD Display Connect it easily to your cigarette socket Two USB ports can charge two devices at the same time Features a LCD display for charging current and a LED indicator light Available in the colours black, silver, gold, blue and red Avoid running out of battery in inconvenient places High-speed charging with 3.1A output Intelligent energy distribution between devices When not charging, it displays the car battery voltage in real-time Compatible with most devices, such as phones, tablets, GPS and more Over-voltage protection to keep your device’s battery safe Smart temperature reduction Made of flame retardant ABS+ plastic Portable, it weighs only 26g Save 70% with today’s deal and get this Dual USB Car Charger with LCD Display for 5.99 pounds
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