Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Whooptrading Real-Time GPS Tracker - Find your Phone, Keys, Wallet and More! (32495812169)

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Was £19.99, NOW £5.99 (70% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie Whooptrading Real-Time GPS Tracker - Find your Phone, Keys, Wallet and More!
Product Description
Keep tabs on your valuables with the Realtime GPS Tracker Chain the tracker to anything you might lose such as keys, purse, luggage and more Can also be used on children and pets so you can relax knowing you can find them Use with the ForU app on iOS and Android Two-way anti-lost so you can finder the tracker or your smartphone Adjust preferences in the app such as tracker sensitivity, sound types and alarm volume Also shows you the last pin-drop location on a map to help you find your car when it’s parked Syncs to your phone via Bluetooth Working distance of 10-15 meters Available in white, rose red, blue, green or red Save 70% on today’s deal for the Real-Time GPS Tracker for 5.99 pounds
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