Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Whooptrading 2-in-1 Remote Control Transforming Quadcopter Bike - 2 Colours (32495811679)

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Was £109.99, NOW £45.99 (58% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie Whooptrading 2-in-1 Remote Control Transforming Quadcopter Bike - 2 Colours
Product Description
Race on the road or in the sky with this 2-in-1 Remote Control Transforming Quadcopter Bike Choose from blue or green Turns from a flying quadcopter into a racing bike Four-way six-axis gyroscope allows for a smooth and steady flight Only need to press one button to automatically take off or land the quadcopter Can be controlled forward, backwards, left and right You can also make the quadcopter rise and fall With a built-in camera it can even takes pictures as it flies. Remote control signal reaches up to 60 metres Quadcopter measures 17 x 15 x 7cm, and as a bike measures 17 x 5 x 10cm Remote control requires 1x AA battery (not included) Save 58% and go full throttle with this 2-in-1 Remote Control Transforming Quadcopter Bike
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