Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Justgiftdirect Running Waist-Belt Bag - 5 Colours (32495810655)

Go Groopie Justgiftdirect Running Waist-Belt Bag - 5 Colours

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Was £19.99, NOW £4.99 (75% OFF)

Available from Go Groopie.

Go Groopie Justgiftdirect Running Waist-Belt Bag - 5 Colours

Product Description

Keep fit and healthy with a helping hand from the Running Waist-Belt Bag With a spacious water-resistant pocket to keep your phone and belongings secure Made from durable and breathable material to minimise sweat build-up Includes a reflective strip to ensure you can been seen at night Lightweight and comfortable to wear while you run Secure and bounce-free design fits easily around your waist with an adjustable strap Also has a water bottle holster to keep your drink secure Waist diameter: 24"-43" Choose from 5 colours: black, dark blue, green, orange or rose red Save 75% on the Running Waist-Belt Bag - now only 4.99 pounds

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