Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Supertrendinuk Waterproof USB Bicycle Lights Set (32495810497)

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Was £39.99, NOW £9.99 (75% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie Supertrendinuk Waterproof USB Bicycle Lights Set
Product Description
Make sure you're seen on the roads with this Waterproof USB Bicycle Lights Set Set includes a white front light and rear red light Each light contains 3x bright LED's and can be switched between 4 lighting modes Waterproof design means they can safely be used in wet weather conditions Adjustable straps make them easy to secure to your bike Includes USB cables so you can easily recharge the lights Measures 5 x 4.5 x 4cm Save 75% and have a safe journey with this Waterproof USB Bicycle Lights Set
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