Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie Furnishings Outlet 12kg Flywheel Fitness Bike with LCD Display & Adjustable Resistance (31565489251)

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Was £499.99, NOW £129.99 (74% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie Furnishings Outlet 12kg Flywheel Fitness Bike with LCD Display & Adjustable Resistance
Product Description
Spin 'til you drop with this 12kg Flywheel Fitness Bike with LCD Display and Adjustable Resistance Choose from 3 colours: white, black or red Helps you to burn calories and stay fit without ever having to leave your house Use it daily to tone up your lower body muscles and improve cardiovascular health With a handy display to show you your distance, time, calories, pulse and speed It even comes with a cycling water bottle that hooks to the bike. With a belt-drive mechanism that is quiet and smooth Has an adjustable handle and padded seat so you can cycle in comfort Choose the perfect intensity with the easy-to-use control knob Note: Suitable for users with a height of 6ft or less See Full Details for specifications Save 74% on this 12kg Flywheel Fitness Bike with LCD Display and Adjustable Resistance
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