Cycling Bargains - Go Groopie EVOLVESTORE 10kg Flywheel Spin Bike With Bluetooth, Smartphone App & Free Water Bottle (29427283691)

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Was £499.99, NOW £179.00 (64% OFF)
Available from Go Groopie.
Go Groopie EVOLVESTORE 10kg Flywheel Spin Bike With Bluetooth, Smartphone App & Free Water Bottle
Product Description
Spin your way to a healthier lifestyle with the 10kg Flywheel Spin Bike Comes with Bluetooth connectivity, a Smartphone App and Free Water Bottle. Adjustable seat and handlebars with toe clips to ensure a smooth ride With a smartphone or tablet stand so you can easily watch something at the same time Connect your phone via the app to track progress, set goals and more Super sturdy and robust so you can use it every day With a 3-piece cranks and balanced pedals, 2-way bearing and a belt driver Comes with front wheels to easily transport it around the home Note: for indoor use only Please see Full Details for product specifications Save 64% on the 10kg Flywheel Spin Bike With Bluetooth, Smartphone App and Free Water Bottle
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