Cycling Bargains - Cyclestore Madison Freewheel Womens Baggy Shorts (29129961875)

Cyclestore Madison Freewheel Womens Baggy Shorts

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Was £49.99, NOW £15.00 (70% OFF)

Available from Cyclestore.

Cyclestore Madison Freewheel Womens Baggy Shorts

Product Description

Stripped down and un-cluttered less is more is the credo with the Freewheel baggy short. Relaxed fit with an elasticated waist means you get a comfortable well fitted short without the need for adjustment The mesh lining with our 1D-SPORT coolmax chamois pad allows you to spend more time in the saddle Two hand pockets add a casual feel to the shorts 2 cargo pockets and a zippered rear pocket complete the comprehensive storage Waist draw chord stops the short moving around Double and triple needle stitching in all the right areas ensure bombproof construction Limited lifetime warranty

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