Cycling Bargains - Cyclestore Infini Tron 300 Lumen Usb Front Light (27261384905)

Cyclestore Infini Tron 300 Lumen Usb Front Light

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Was £32.99, NOW £27.50 (17% OFF)

Available from Cyclestore.

Cyclestore Infini Tron 300 Lumen Usb Front Light

Product Description

I-281P TRON offers innovative user-programmability for enhanced power management in every lighting environment. The maximum brightness can be set by the user to define a range of illumination that best meets the rider’s needs while maximizing power efficiency. An additional measure of safety is achieved using daytime flashing mode for increased visibility in all riding situations. TRON 300 is constructed of sleek durable and weather resistant extruded 6061 aluminum alloy. Rubberized sealed buttons and ports ensure reliable function in all conditions. New user-programmability increases efficiency while maximizing visibility. Features 300 Lumens daytime flashing mode provides extra safety while riding during the day Adjustable Lighting Mode Compatible with virtually any tube shape from round to AERO Variable mounting including helmet and underbar IPX4 waterproof standard Specs SIZE 57 x 32 x 25 mm WEIGHT 53 grams LED 1 White LED BRIGHTNESS 300 Lumens (Daytime Flashing) BATTERY Rechargeable Lithium-ion Polymer Battery RUN TIME 8 hrs (Constant)4 hrs (Boost)2 hrs (Super Bright)8 hrs (Pulsating)3.5 hrs (Daytime Flashing)1-8 hrs (Adjustable Lighting) CHARGE 2.5 hrs STRAP fit Ø18-Ø48 mm STANDARD Danish MANUAL  Download

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