Cycling Bargains - Freewheel Respro Techno Mask | Extra 10% off for BC Members, money back guarantee + FREE Delivery options & Returns (27169546073)

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Was £35.99, NOW £14.40 (60% OFF)
Available from Freewheel.
Freewheel Respro Techno Mask | Extra 10% off for BC Members, money back guarantee + FREE Delivery options & Returns
Product Description
The most versatile mask available, providing excellent filtration against most types of pollution a cyclist is likely to encounterUses a Dynamic Activated Charcoal Cloth filter to filter the worst of urban pollutionAlso uses a HepA-type filter to screen out sub-micron pollutants such as pollens and respirable dustsIncludes two Techno valves to allow easier exhalation, which is particularly important as they release heat, water vapour and Carbon DioxideComes in two sizes, with a contoured shape for a good seal and comfortable fit and Velcro pads for easy applicationMade from hypo-allergenic Neoprene giving a comfortable and secure fitThe filter is replaceable, and is designed to be effective for at least 1 month in normal daily useCan A Respro® Mask protect against Coronavirus?There is limited information on this specific virus but it is part of a family of viruses that have been previously researched and documented. The mechanics of capture remain consistent with other airborne viral pathogensUse a respiratory mask that incorporates an Activated Charcoal Cloth layer together with a submicron particle filter layer (combination filter) as it has the ability to adsorb viral matter in both the micro and the nano range of sizes by means of entrapment and adsorption. Whilst a P2/P3 industry face mask will trap particulates which may well carry viral matter (micro size), they are seldom bespoke and only come in one size. This increases the chance of a misfit by the user, especially if used by children or if they are not shown how to fit a mask properly or undergo a fit test. This means that a percentage of unfiltered air will bypass the filter completely. What these masks cannot do is adsorb the viral matter on its own, this happens with DACC as it operates on both a different principle and size scale (nano size). Whether that rated mask is P1/2 or 3, is not a significant factor. The correct fit and the seal are!Suitable masks with a combination filter:Techno Mask - (suitable for commuting)Cinqro Mask - (suitable for Sport)Ultralight Combo - (suitable for Sport)Sportsta Combo - (suitable for Sport)Techno Plus - (suitable for Sport)A combination filter would be suitable for exhaust pollution (VOC's and PM 2.5's) airborne viral and bacterial matter, and cigarette smokeA combination filter has both a Hepa-type filter layer and a DACC layer. This combination of Hepa-type filter layer and DACC in one single filter provides submicron (smaller than PM 2.5) dust filtering capability, together with DACC capability for filtering gases (VOC's /Acid gases), vapours and viral matter in the nano range of sizes by means of adsorption. It is the best type of filter available in our range for dealing with the broad spectrum of vehicle and non vehicular pollutants commonly found in major cities across the globeProduct is non-returnable for hygiene reasons | Freewheel Product
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