Cycling Bargains - Cyclestore Madison Element Reusable Face Mask (26847746671)

Cyclestore Madison Element Reusable Face Mask

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Was £9.99, NOW £1.00 (90% OFF)

Available from Cyclestore.

Cyclestore Madison Element Reusable Face Mask

Product Description

  *FILTER INSERTS SOLD SEPERATELY* Our disposable filter inserts our reusable mask is breathable and comfortable. Constructed using 2 layers of fabric and allowing the use of an optional 5-layer filter for additional protection. Made from a woven polyester which wicks away moisture helping you stay comfortable all day long MicroSpace outwards facing fabric helps reduce transmission of unexpected coughs or sneezes Breathable poly cotton inner layer of fabric is comfortable next to the skin Ergonomic design provides effective face coverage Adjustable metal insert on the nose bridge allows the fit to be customised to each user and helps vastly reduce fogging when worn with glasses Soft elastic ear loops are comfortable against the skin and adjustable in length thanks to the loop adjuster These reusable face coverings are not medical devices or PPE (personal protective equipment) Disposable pack of 10 filter inserts sold separately Available in a selection of colours One size fits all adults Machine washable

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