The Complete Guide to Cycle Chain Care.

Published on the 12th of September, 2023 by Cycling Bargains



The Complete Guide to Cycle Chain Care: Do's, Don'ts, and Recommended Cleaning Methods.

Cycling is not just a sport or a means of transportation; it's a passion for many. Whether you're a seasoned cyclist or just starting out, one thing remains constant - the importance of proper cycle chain care. Neglecting your bike's chain can lead to reduced performance, increased wear and tear, and even safety hazards. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the do's, don'ts, and recommended methods of cleaning and lubricating your cycle chain to keep your ride smooth and trouble-free.

The Importance of Chain Maintenance

Before we dive into the specifics of chain care, let's understand why it's so crucial. Your bike's chain is a critical component that facilitates power transfer from your legs to the wheels. A well-maintained chain ensures:

  • Efficiency: A clean and lubricated chain reduces friction, allowing you to pedal more efficiently and cover more ground with less effort.

  • Longevity: Regular maintenance prolongs the life of your chain and other drivetrain components, saving you money on replacements.

  • Smooth Shifting: A well-kept chain ensures smooth gear shifting, preventing annoying skips or jumps while riding.

  • Safety: A malfunctioning chain can lead to accidents, making proper maintenance a safety concern.

Now that we've established the importance of chain care, let's move on to the do's and don'ts of maintaining your cycle chain.

The Do's of Chain Maintenance

1. Regular Inspection

Do: Start with regular visual inspections. Look for signs of wear, rust, or dirt buildup. Inspect the chain tension and ensure it's properly seated on the chainrings and sprockets.

Why: Catching issues early can prevent more significant problems down the road. A quick visual check can save you time and money in the long run.

2. Cleanliness is Key

Do: Keep your chain clean. Use a quality chain cleaner or a soft brush and a mild degreaser to remove dirt and grime from the chain, cogs, and chainrings.

Why: A clean chain operates smoothly and efficiently, while a dirty one can cause premature wear and reduce performance.

3. Proper Lubrication

Do: Apply lubricant regularly. Use a bicycle-specific chain lubricant and follow the manufacturer's instructions. Apply a small amount to each link and wipe off excess.

Why: Lubrication reduces friction and prevents rust, ensuring a smooth and quiet ride.

4. Correct Tension

Do: Maintain the correct chain tension. An overly loose or tight chain can lead to poor shifting and accelerated wear. Consult your bike's manual for the proper tension guidelines.

Why: Proper tension ensures efficient power transfer and extends the chain's lifespan.

5. Use Quality Products

Do: Invest in quality cleaning and lubrication products. While they may cost a bit more, they will ultimately save you money by protecting your bike's components.

Why: High-quality products are designed to provide superior protection and performance.

The Don'ts of Chain Maintenance

1. Avoid Over-Lubrication

Don't: Over-lubricate your chain. Applying too much lubricant can attract more dirt and create a messy buildup.

Why: Excess lubrication can lead to a gunky, inefficient chain.

2. Skip Cleaning

Don't: Neglect cleaning your chain. Skipping this step will result in a dirty chain that wears out faster and diminishes performance.

Why: A clean chain is essential for smooth and efficient riding.

3. Use the Wrong Lubricant

Don't: Use inappropriate lubricants like motor oil or cooking oil. Bicycle-specific chain lubricants are formulated for the unique demands of cycling.

Why: Improper lubricants can damage your chain and drivetrain components.

4. Ignore Rust

Don't: Ignore rust on your chain. Rust is not just unsightly; it can weaken the chain and cause it to break.

Why: Rust compromises the structural integrity of the chain, making it unsafe to use.

5. Neglect Chain Wear

Don't: Ignore signs of chain wear. If your chain begins to elongate beyond the recommended limit, it's time for a replacement.

Why: A worn chain can damage other drivetrain components, leading to costly repairs.

Recommended Cleaning and Lubricating Methods

Now that you know the do's and don'ts, let's delve into the recommended methods for cleaning and lubricating your cycle chain:


  • Gather Your Tools: You'll need a chain cleaner or a brush, a mild degreaser, a chain scrubber, a cloth, and some old newspapers to catch drips.

  • Prepare Your Bike: Shift your chain onto the small chainring and smallest rear cog. This will provide easy access to the chain.

  • Clean the Chain: Apply the degreaser to the chain and scrub it using the chain cleaner or brush. Work your way around the entire chain.

  • Rinse and Dry: Rinse the chain thoroughly with clean water to remove all traces of the degreaser. Then, dry it with a clean cloth.


  • Apply Lubricant: Apply a drop of bicycle-specific lubricant to each chain link while turning the pedals backward. Ensure that you cover the entire chain.

  • Wipe Excess: After applying the lubricant, use a clean cloth to wipe off any excess. This prevents dirt buildup.

  • Let it Set: Allow the lubricant to set for a few minutes, then wipe the chain once more to remove any additional excess.

  • Test Shifting: Shift through all your gears to ensure smooth shifting. If you notice any issues, make necessary adjustments to your derailleur.

Remember, the frequency of cleaning and lubrication depends on your riding conditions. If you frequently ride in wet or dirty environments, you may need to perform these tasks more often. Regular maintenance will keep your chain in top condition and ensure a safe and enjoyable riding experience.



Proper cycle chain care is essential for maintaining the performance, longevity, and safety of your bike. By following the do's and don'ts outlined in this guide and using the recommended cleaning and lubrication methods, you can ensure that your chain operates smoothly and efficiently. Regular maintenance not only improves your riding experience but also saves you money in the long run by preventing costly repairs and replacements. So, take good care of your cycle chain, and enjoy many trouble-free miles on the road or trail.
